Early Elizabethan England, 1558-1588
Topic A: Queen Government and Religion, 1558-1569
In this option's topic A, you'll study the situation of Elizabeth's accession, the 'settlement' on religion, challenges to the religious settlement & the problem of Mary, Queen of Scots.
Studorian's Option E6 | British Depth Study

Elizabeth's Religion Settlement (1559)
Lesson E6a5 | Sunday 30th April 2028 | British #182
The Religious Settlement
Elizabeth thought the best thing to do was to enforce the Religious Settlement
It was a document broken into three parts
It outlined the religion of England and how it should be enforced
She perceived it to be the Middle Way, a compromise between Catholics' and Protestants' beliefs
The Act of Supremacy
It stated that Elizabeth was the Supreme Governor of the Church of England
She used a different title so that Catholics didn’t feel as if the Pope was being challenged
All clergy and royal officials had to swear an oath of loyalty to her
The Act of Uniformity
It outlined how churches and services would be conducted
The Book of Common Prayer was introduced
It was to be followed in all services
The wording was deliberately vague so both Protestants and Catholics could interpret sections in their own way
Services were to be spoken in English
Ornaments and decorations were to be allowed
The singing of hymns was permitted
Offerings of bread and wine would take place but there wouldn’t be an explanation of how they should be received
Everybody was required to attend Church
The Royal Injunctions
Ensured all clergy taught the Act of Supremacy
All recusants (those who refused to attend church) were to be reported to the Privy Council and fined a week’s wage
Needed Government licenses
Vestments were worn
Pilgrimages and religious shrines were to be banned
An Ecclesiastical High Commission was established
This kept discipline
This also punished recusants
The Impact
8,000 of the 10,000 clergies accepted it
Most ordinary people accepted the Religious Settlement
Everyone attended Church
Even Catholics attended as they privately maintained Catholic beliefs
However, all but one of Mary’s bishops resigned rather than take the oath